Tooth fairy

Hello i am james 8 years old and what has. Got to my head is to the fact what does the tooth. Fairy looks like or any holiday / event which could happen. But the tooth fairy was the most strange knowing some person is creeping into your hous / apt. But i live in a well not normal house our lanlord would threaten to put our teeth down our throat which could end. Badly or good with the ending as my school wen't in lockdown a lady entered the school. As the day ended i was shook up to know teeth was around my feet outside for no reason. Soon i found out that well my tooth was wiggly i took it out my mouth was bleeding for a while as i wen't home and. And put the tooth under my pillow as i slept for a long while until i was dead asleep. Then the window slid open i opened my eyes then looked at the foot of my bed a person with a pair of legs sticking up with no feet. And it looked like to poles or metal bars sticking out of skin or flesh then i closed my eyes. As i opened my eyes to see the legs were gone i took steps in fear to the foot of my bed. She was... actually gone i was trembiling in fear as i thought this doesn't make sense. I looked the window was open on the other side as i wen't back to sleep with nightmares keeping me up as well i couldn't move to. See if the tooth fairy was near me or well it could of been the tooth fairy i wasn't that sure or sure of anything at this point the next day. As school finished and i wen't home and skipped a few ours looking in my room searching for any sign then there was my closet. The only thing which was left was the closest i hated my closet it was pitch black when you go in the london bell began to chime it was night i slammed my closest shut. To got to bed for 3 ours wake up find something new it took longer then i thought to see this creature or tooth fairy. Type creature  as i looked and changed my veiw to a face with teeth plasterd on the side my second tooth. under my pillow i could tell what she was going for or it was going. For as she got the tooth from under my pillow which kids couldn't feel but me thinking i am special as i threw on a pillow case on my head trying not to see this frightning sight. Or trying not to suffercate as the window opened and she fell out and suprisingly didn't die as the teeth or my teeth were plastered on my face until have my face was filled with teeth. As i touched it bled...